First Day in India

29 Dec 2017

The approximately 40 hours of arduous and grueling travel had been completed! Anxiety about making connections and excitement about the upcoming events kept me awake during my journey.

Some notes:

  1. I’m quite enthralled to have so many vegetarian options during the two flights to India, one from Amsterdam to Mumbai and the other from Mumbai to Trivandrum. Watched and was inspired by the movies “Tulipani: Love, Honor, and a Bicycle” and “Hidden Figures”.
  2. I did not expect Trivandrum to be so warm. Stepping out of the airport in Trivandrum was like returning to Guangzhou: the scent of peppermint toothpaste infused with gasoline amidst humidity and sunshine and the beeping from the hustle and bustle of urban commuters.
  3. Communist Hammer and Sickle flags hang from street poles and advertisements supporting unions and COmmunist members.
  4. Walked with fellow roommate Gustuv around the block of the hotel and was pleased with the variety and diversity of mixed uses.
  5. Curious as to why people use their horns so often while driving.
  6. Enjoyed eating new food, Baingan Ka Barta, eggplant, even after server said I should change my order. Also tried Kerala Paratha and drank a mango drink that I did not order.
  7. Not used to having a store attendant next to me as I shop.